Game 7: Smell the Glove vs. Booze, Win, or Lose

Outcome: Bamma Lam (16-8)


Shrugging off an aborted attempt to play in a field/gulley, the Glove rolled up to an available dog park that was heavy on poo funk/vapors* and light on available hits for the other team. This proved to be an issue for the Boozers and more specifically for their number one league ranking.

But enough about the other team, this was an overall team effort by the Glove that combined some strong fielding, timely hitting, and a crap load of bats**. Unfortunately for the rest of the country, the level of awesomeness created on the field later gathered somewhere over the Midwest resulting in area power outages and a new Spanish word entering the weather lexicon***. While the Glove will try to control these unforeseen events in the future through the deadening effects of PBR on hand-eye coordination, we cannot be held accountable for any Cody related damage to trees or to dream catchers.

This was one will go down in Glove Lore folks – great game.

*Speaking of dog poo, getting to witness Jason enter into an honest discussion with a middle aged white dude about the weight of his dachshund was both fascinating and disturbing
**You know, just in case Marshall breaks like five of them.
***Thank you El Nino for creating one of the best SNL skits of all time, but Derecho will be taking it from here.

Street Credit Rating:

  • Sarah performing some advanced scouting in an attempt to find a new field: +13%
  • Almost getting beaned by other teams while figuring out the field situation: -5%
  • Sideline Glovers sacrificing their bodies to keep the ball in play: +17%
  • Throws from 3rd base: -6

Final Street Credit Rating: 135%

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